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Art jewellery - a personal perspective

New book by Inger Wästberg

In art jewellery circles, Inger Wästberg is known as one of the most acclaimed collectors and promoters of Swedish design. Her interest in art jewellery began in the late 1990s, when her husband was Swedish Consul General in New York and she began to wear Swedish art jewellery in official contexts, which gave a great response. In this book, she presents pieces from her own jewellery collection in order to shine light on some of the themes that have been important in Swedish art jewellery in recent decades – such as gender issues, social criticism, nature and recycling.

Love Jönsson, director of Rian designmuseum

Photo: Catarina Lundgren Åström

Graphic Design: Helene Stevenberg

Publisher: Marie Arvinius, Arvinius+Orfeus



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